Starbury is gone! Not like he was really with the Knicks this season but at least he’s out of the NY Post and our press conferences. Now It hurts me deep inside to celebrate his exit out of NYC because he was always a favorite of mine growing up ever since he was on the Timberwolves. I even went to Marbury’s basketball camp in the Poconos 2 years in a row. I wish I could show you my autographed picture with him, such a prized childhood possession of mine (Insert your insult here). And let’s not forget the Starbury sneakers I bought for $15, which shows Steph has always been looking out for the white middle class such as myself. There was always something about him that was likable to me, could have been his I don’t give a fuck attitude or his bad ass mustache. But soon after his arrival in New York, his locker room antics and selfish play brought down the team, led to the firing of Larry Brown, and ultimately resulted in Steph losing his mind(Must Watch). The final straw was the obnoxious tattoo on the side of his head, that’s where our bromance officially ended. It’s a shame when relationships like this have to end in such a bad way but it was deservingly so. But I’ll enjoy watching the drama that will ensue when Marbury becomes a Celtic. Many sports writers have made valid points about the positives of bring him in, but just remember, this is Marbury. He does what he wants and no Boston Three Party is going to change that. He may prove us all wrong, but with his ego, I have very serious doubts.
Let’s move on to the standouts in the music industry this week
New Artist K’naan – Brings a new fresh approach to the rap scene right now. He’s a rapper was grew up in Somalia and then moved to Canada (Smart move). But he’s got a voice and flow similar to Q-tip and can sing like Bob Marley. Check him out.
We Come Prepared
So although I despise American Idol, I was sent this from a friend and this guy has to be the most flamboyant, ridiculous and funny contestant I have ever seen. Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj8bCkc2RD0&feature=related
And for all you Guido club bangers out there, here’s a little gem to pump your fist to while your pounding Yager Bombs
Stay tuned for another post in the next few days ranting about the current state of the Jets.
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