Anyone who really thought MSU had a shot in this game was clearly living in a fantasy world. Yeah, they killed two Big (B)East teams to make it to the final, but I feel like I've seen this match up before...
Realist: Oh, that's right. December 3rd. MSU played UNC.
Ignorant MSU Fan: Man, I forget who won that game...
Realist: Ha, right, it was UNC.
Ignorant MSU Fan: But it was close right?
Realist: Nope, they lost by 35.
Ignorant MSU Fan: Well, they played at Chapel Hill, Carolina blue had all the advantages.
Realist: Um, no, they played in Michigan, the great lakes state.
Ignorant MSU Fan: Well, damn. MSU loses on their home floor, maybe they'll have better luck at Ford Field.
Realist: Newsflash, the game was at Ford Field.
Bottom Line: Sparty blows balls (literally & figuratively, as seen in history book).
Sorry, Sparty. When your X-Factor in a loss is Goran Suton, you're not going to have too much to brag about. It was a shame to see them go down like the Titanic. Ty Lawson is one quick Mo-fo.
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