Yet another story in the Alex Rodriquez soap opera, that is like General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, and All My Children combined. It is not the fact that A-Rod has been taking steroids since high school, that is not surprising. In fact, kids took steroids in my high school and I am a white catholic kid from Massachusetts. Not a Dominican kid who played high school ball in Miami with a Steroid dealing "cousin". He had much easier access. It's not the fact that he has been tipping pitches to other hitters all his life. I know for a fact that Dominicans tip pitches to other Dominicans at bat all the time. See Tejada, Miguel. He was caught while playing for the A's and caused an uproar in the clubhouse. And of course, NO SHIT HE TOOK STEROIDS PLAYING FOR THE YANKEES! Clemens, Pettitte, Giambi, and Sheffield were all in the same clubhouse. Taking Steroids in the Yankees clubhouse was as common as rubbing icy hot on your nuts and snorting like a bull, minutes before your starts...oh wait, that was just Clemens, but you get the point. It was second nature.
The A-Rod soap, got more interesting because like Robert Paulson above (if you haven't seen Fight Club, I'm sorry), Alex has bitch tits. His 2004 teammates were so kind that they actually gave him the nickname "Bitch Tits" because "he developed a large round pectoral condition, that is caused by anabolic steroids." If I were A-Rod, I would hire a hitman to take out Selena Roberts, steal the copies of her book, and hold the largest book burning since Hitler ruled Germany. Or don't and wait for this to become the best selling book of all time. His choice.
"Fuck land, I'm on a Boat Motha Fucka."
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