I wanted to wait for everything to settle before I wrote about the Matt Cassel situation. Everyone knew that Matt Cassel was not going to be on the Patriots next year, especially because Tommy Boy's rehab is going so well. So the Patriots traded Cassel to the Chiefs for the 34th pick overall. They took a former seventh round draft pick, swapped him for an early second rounder, and wait....CLEARED CAP SPACE. The Patriots were closer to the cap, than Amy Winehouse is to death. The Pats clearly need to fix gaping holes in their defense and they need the money to sign these players. They have 3 second rounders and the 23rd overall pick to sign. They also at some point have to re-sign Vince Wilfork and Richard Seymour, both defensive anchors. I just think that it was a solid move. Not great and could they have waited? Yes, but the Pats coaches and front office are not stupid. They know what they are doing. The Matt Cassel era was a little like an HJ. It filled a need. It had it's ups and downs. It got you excited about where it might lead, but in the end it was just ok. We didn't make the playoffs. It's time to move on and swing for that home run. We have Tom Brady coming back. Matt Cassel will vanish like a fart in the wind when Brady connects with Randy on the first touchdown pass. Take a breath everyone.
(Random Note: Daniel Synder has ruined any chance of the Patriots signing Julius Peppers. I would like to extend a special thanks to Daniel Synder for signing Albert Haynesworth to $100 million contract. Once again Daniel fails to recognize his real problem (his offense) and just makes a signing to flex his financial muscles. Daniel, your QB sucks and is boring, your RB plays maybe 8 games and takes the rest off to play dress up, your leading wide receiver is hit or miss, and I cannot even name your other staring wideout. Your "most reliable" offensive player is a scrappy white tight end who takes pictures of his own junk in the mirror. My point is, there is no way the Pats spend that kind of money on anyone, not even Peppers.)
I never thought I would say this, but I want Brian Scalabrine back in my life. This isn't going to happen because apparently Scal cannot watch TV for more than 30 minutes without feeling like his head is going to explode. The reason I bring this up is because Mikki Moore sucks. He comes in, turns the ball over twice because he has stone hands, picks up three fouls, and sits back on the bench. Oh, did I mention that he goes 1-6 in this span because he is convinced that the 18 footer is his shot. This goes on like a fucking merry-go-round every game. To top it off Doc said today on Dennis and Callahan that quote, "Mikki gives us more shooting!?!?!?" I almost spit my coffee all over the keyboard. Bottom line is that KG needs to come back quickly. The C's are looking very vulnerable on the defensive end. With KG out, Big Baby starts and plays 30+ minutes a game. Big Baby playing 30+ minutes means I have to scream "no, no, no, no!!" ten more times than usual at my TV and my voice is getting hoarse. My only problem with the Marbury Era in Boston so far was last night. Every time he touched the ball he got booed non-stop and when he fucked up (which was a lot last night) the crowd went crazy and it fired the other team up. This does not bode well for the C's bench. The verdict is still out in my mind. I really wish Boston would stop being the place for these reclamation projects. Yes, it worked with Randy Moss, let's stop pushing our luck.
(Side note: I would like to welcome the Pistons back. It really wasn't the same only having one rival in the East. Rip Hamilton it was good seeing you out of your coffin and now TOMP can actually talk shit back. I don't dislike the Lebron's, so this will be much more fun. A.I. do everyone a favor never come back. Thanks)
American Idol has established 9 of their top 12. Now tonight 8 people get to compete again for the final 3 spots to determine the top 12. I have a real problem with this format, but it is what it is. There are four clear front runners already. Danny Gokey, Scott McIntyre (blind kid), Adam Lambert, and Lil Rounds. Yes, her first name is Lil, but she has pipes. How much crack do you think Lil's father was on when he named her? And do not tell me he just liked the name Lil. If her last name was Smith, her name would have been Alicia or something. But it was Rounds, and we get Lil Rounds. Moving on. I just hope Scott McIntyre gets through for his ability to sing and to tickle the ivories, rather than the fact he is blind. He does not have the vocals like the others, but he has a marketable appeal and plays the piano really well. He should take a cue from Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder and PUT SOME SUN GLASSES ON! Please! He is really good, but I feel that if I look into his eyes long enough, I will turn to stone. It is really not that hard. I got to give him credit, he stood up while performing the other night and started walking around stage. He just has to put a little more cooool into his performances. I have hated the so called "favorite" Adam Lambert for sometime now. Can't stand his voice, his act, can't stand anything about the kid. Now this comes out. BAM! The American public will not stand for this. Tolerance has come a long way, but this is American Idol, not "Liberal Accepting Coastal Cities" Idol.
Quick Lost tangent and I will be done. I do not care about the Kate and Sawyer love story. I do like chick flicks, but if I want to watch a fucking chick flick, I will watch The Notebook. I watch Lost for its quirky plot twists, sci-fi aspects, and to find out what the fuck is going to happen. They have pussified Sawyer now, the bad-ass of the show. I am not going to stop watching because I am in it for the long haul, but please get back to basics. To quote the great Bud Kilmer "Stick to the Basics". (Yes, I just quoted Varsity Blues). Lately, everything has been such a goddamn sob story, I feel like I have been watching 90210 episodes. They also need to fix Kate's character and get her back to the "Basic" Kate. Right now, she is all skinny, muscular, and she just doesn't look good. Maybe they need to give her a few cuts and bruises, a slow blood trickle, I don't know. I do know that Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) is blowing her out of the water in the looks department right now. Get it together, Kate!
I wish I had some Red Sox stuff to talk about, but it's spring training and that is boring. I do not know what is wrong with the Bruins, other than they just look un-motivated. They are getting out hustled, out hit, and out played. It sucks to watch and I think Washinton or NJ or both overtakes them for the number 1 seed in the playoffs. More on that in a later post. I am heading down to Hoboken, NJ for their celebration of St. Paddy's Day. Two weekends in a row. Should be a doozy. Out.
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