Dome Nation Population

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Long Weekend -TOMP

So, what you're looking at here is the sole reason that I spent an entire weekend chauffeuring my mom around town as opposed to going the simpler root and using public transportation.  Earlier this week the MBTA released these lovely ads emphasizing that the creepy, smelly homeless guy standing next to you on the T, actually wants to cup a feel and in all likely hood, slip you a Silly Willy (Definition #2).  Frankly, it's disturbing, and has really turned me off to the idea of riding the T if I were ever to have some sort of epiphany, where I realized, that I'm truly a woman in a man's body, and decide to have the dong removal surgery.

In other news: I hate driving around downtown, want to kill numerous children, can't understand why people walk in the street, hate getting the finger for crossing the street when I have a green light, wanted to kill some kids, fucking hate the traffic in Harvard Square and can totally justify anyone who decides to flip out and go GTA on society.

"You're Fucking Out. I'm Fucking In."

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